The Global Network for Advanced Management creates an organizational structure that can thrive in this developing environment. It connects each member school with diverse regions, countries, and cultures, and economies in different phases of development. The network facilitates interaction, but leaves the development of an agenda to the participating schools.
Global Network Weeks
​Global Network Weeks give MBA students the opportunity to pursue intensive study at another network school, in a focused mini course that leverages the perspectives, programs, and faculty expertise of that school. Alongside their counterparts from elsewhere in the network, students attend classes, tour local businesses, and meet with experts focused on current business problems.
Network Courses
Global Network Courses are for credit courses offered virtually by a GNAM member school and open to students from throughout the network. The courses link students through an online platform and video conferencing for lectures and discussions. As part of the courses, groups of students from multiple member schools collaborate virtually on substantial team projects, developing teamwork skills and cross-cultural perspectives.